በኢ/ኦ/ተ/ቤተክርስቲያን በጀርመንና አካባቢው ሀገረ ስብከት
የዋርሶ መንበረ መንግሥት ቅዱስ ገብርኤል ቤተክርስቲያን ሰንበት ትምህርት ቤት የሙያና በጎ አድራጎት ክፍል
* SIM CARD:- Can be found in the airports, mobile centers, Zabka shop and in shopping centers. Some telecom companies in Poland are
Play ...
* BANK:- Some Banks in Poland
ING bank ,
Millennium bank,
Santander Bank - Usually easier to open account
BNP Paribas
Bank Polska - Usually easier to open account
There are plenty of transport ways in Poland Bus, tram, metro , taxis are the major transport ways. But For the first time, it is advised to use taxis for transportation from the airport to any destination. https://www.wtp.waw.pl/en/public-transport-step-by-step/
- How to buy a bus ticket in Poland? (video will be attached)
* HOUSE:- A common website to rent apartment\room in Poland
facebook marketplace - Facebook has a tab called marketplace where you can find all sorts of things to buy and rent a house/apartment.
Details of this can be found on the next blog.
Pesel number - national identification number in Poland https://www.gov.pl/web/gov/uzyskaj-numer-pesel--usluga-dla-cudzoziemcow-en
Temporary Residence permit (TRC)- https://cudzoziemiec.bydgoszcz.pl/en/stay-in-poland/temporary-stay/student/
* DRIVING LICENCE Legalisation:- https://warszawa19115.pl/-/exchange-of-foreign-driver-s-licences-not-provided-for-in-conventions-on-road-traffic
* JOB:- (Linkedin links will be added here) Video about how to prepare a CV, how to apply, and other Tips.
* Nostrification of Documents for University Students:- https://study.gov.pl/nostrification-higher-education-diplomas
